Committed To Client Success

Developed Custom Train-the-Trainer For Public Safety Organization
Design, Developed & Delivered A Custom-Tailored Train-the-Trainer Workshop for a public safety testing company in Chicago, Illinois that had the initiative to train their “Knowledge Workers”/ SME’s on how to design, develop and train on their particular areas of expertise.

Developed Train-the-Trainer Course For Manufacturing Company
TrainSmart created a specialized Train-the-Trainer workshop for manufacturing line managers that provided practice, the development of checklists and consistent processes to train and evaluate the learner, to reduced incidents on the line.

Tailored Train-the-Trainer For The Bermuda Government
The Bermuda Government required their SMEs to be trained on how to train and evaluate for various levels within the Bermuda Government, as they were launching a Government wide set of operational changes which included all new technologies and change management. TrainSmart conducted a very tailored TTT which included the key topics that the group was required to transfer knowledge. We assisted in the design of the training program, and prepared the participants to train the various arms of the Government through ILT, one-on-one training.

Developed Train-the-Trainer Workshop To Better Develop & Uniform Company Training Processes
TrainSmart created a tailored 3-day workshop for this large transit company’s training department. The training emphasized the primary topics needed to excel their trainers to the next level of professional training.

Created A Train-the-Trainer Program for City of Santa Monica
TrainSmart created a one-of-the-kind training program that included training for a group of 33 City employees in curriculum development, public speaking, adult interactive learning, classroom dynamics, and evaluation methods.

Created Train-the-Trainer Program For Call Center
Developed on-site train-the-trainer program for utilities company customer service call center team. In particular, the customer service manager believed her team needed training on understanding adult learning preferences, how to handle difficult situations, thinking on their feet and general skills on how to be a successful trainer.
Created A Train-the-Trainer Program For Biotech Engineers
TrainSMART developed a custom train-the-trainer for biotech engineers on adult learning, communication and learning preferences.

Developed a Train-the-Trainer to Bring Formal Training to Trainers, Managers, & Employees
In 2011, DHL approached TrainSmart to provide a TTT workshop tailored to emphasize design and training delivery using a multi-media platform including webinars, elearning, instructor-led, mlearning, structured-on-the-job training. They wished to bring formal training to seasoned trainers, managers, and employees alike. 3 months after TrainSmart’s TTT, Anthony Fata, Operations Training Manager and his team reported richer and more blended training offerings.

Tailored Train-the-Trainer Program For HR Training Program
TrainSmart customized a workshop to include parts of the new HR training program. The results were positive. The tailored training allowed participants to deliver individual training projects to prepare for the successful HR launch.