Developed New OnBoarding Program For Chicago Advertising Agency
Business Challenge
Inconsistent new hire performance and retention due to a lack of standardized onboarding processes and procedures. This was placing undue strain on the bottom line, recruiting, and human resources.
TrainSmart analyzed existing onboarding materials looking for consistent approaches and content. Concurrently, based on experience and client input, we developed a High-Level Design for the new onboarding strategy.
TrainSmart Solution
TrainSmart developed a custom employee onboarding training program that used an object design so that segments could be easily translated and moved to alternative delivery modes. We designed five checks to ensure understanding and comprehension by participants.
Check One: Regular exercises during the training that allows the participants to use the knowledge that was just covered. This method also allows the instructor to determine who is actively listening, grasping concepts, etc. so that additional attention could be paid or remediation occurs.
Check Two: Course-end knowledge assessments. Depending on the type of knowledge delivered – travel policies, corporate systems, career development processes, etc – this assessment gauges how well the participant understands the key concepts and where there may need to be a follow-up or remedial study.
Check Three: Case studies that allow participants to work in teams on real-life scenarios that demand using a mixture of learned knowledge and technique while applying creativity and teamwork skills.
Check Four: Level 2 Post-Class Assessment. Delivered online, this assessment determines how well participants have retained knowledge and if they are using the skills/knowledge gained on the job. Most critical is the initial test that assesses the participant’s knowledge of the material prior to attending the workshop. This would be a baseline to determine knowledge growth.
Check Five: A Level 3 Assessment is delivered to the participant’s manager. This assessment would look at the performance of tasks addressed during the onboarding experience including training and other process steps – attendance, expense reporting, etc.
These checks were altered based on the location’s culture and current standards
There were 26 modules for the program. The Client was so pleased with the first three modules, that they started using the materials immediately, as TrainSmart designed and developed the remaining modules. The majority of the modules are being used today, with a few exceptions which are due to technology updates within the organization