Validate Course Design and Content Alignment
Our client attended our Certified Train-the-Trainer Course and then contacted us to assist them in the development of a field training workshop for new hires. The client developed the learning goal and objectives and then pulled together the content.
TrainSmart Support
TrainSmart’s instructional design consultant reviewed the client draft and accomplished the following:
- Reviewed the workshop Goal and Objectives to ensure their format addressed Audience, Behavior, Condition, and Degree.
- Reviewed and corrected workshop content to ensure alignment with stated Goals and Objectives using the Microsoft Review function.
- Incorporated client input generated from the review process.
- Reviewed all practices and assessments to ensure alignment with Goals and Objectives.
- Reformatted the document to ensure consistency of head levels, margins, etc.
- Generated a Table of Contents.
- Worked with the client-assigned facilitator to ensure understanding of content in preparation for workshop implementation.
The client implemented a workshop as a component of their onboarding process.