TrainSMART’s intensive Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations Using DiSC® workshop is designed to transform dysfunctional conflict into functional outcomes within organizational settings. Participants will gain deep insights into their preferred conflict management styles through the lens of DISC® profiles.

This self-awareness forms the foundation for learning and applying constructive techniques to manage disputes and effectively engage in difficult dialogues across various personality types and organizational hierarchies.

Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations Using DiSC® Outline

Conflict Management With DiSC

Introduction to Conflict Management

  • Defining conflict in the workplace
  • The cost of unresolved conflict to organizations
  • The potential benefits of well-managed conflict

Conflict Management Styles with DISC®

  • Comprehensive overview of the DISC® model
    • Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness
  • Identifying your personal DISC® style through assessment
  • DISC® styles in conflict scenarios
    • How each style typically approaches conflict
    • Strengths and challenges of each style in conflict situations
  • Strategies to flex your response based on others’ DISC® styles
  • Interactive conflict style role plays
    • Participants practice adapting their approach to different DISC® styles

Mastering Difficult Conversations

  • Principles of functional conflict
    • Moving from win-lose to win-win mindsets
  • Mindsets for positive dispute resolution
    • Emotional intelligence in conflict situations
    • Empathy and perspective-taking
  • Preparing for difficult conversations
    • What: Clearly defining the issue
    • Why: Understanding underlying interests and motivations
    • Who: Considering all stakeholders
  • Dialogue tactics for effective communication
    • Mirroring: Reflecting back what you’ve heard
    • Validation: Acknowledging emotions and perspectives
    • Questioning: Using inquiry to deepen understanding
  • Being constructive under fire
    • Managing emotional triggers
    • De-escalation techniques
  • Getting resolution and agreement
    • Collaborative problem-solving methods
    • Creating action plans and follow-up procedures
  • Practice with realistic difficult scenarios
    • Small group exercises with personalized feedback

Application and Integration

  • Personal action planning
    • Participants create strategies to implement learnings in their work

Q&A session

  • Addressing specific workplace challenges

Why Organizations Hire TrainSMART for This Workshop

  1. Improved Team Dynamics: A tech startup experienced frequent conflicts between their development and marketing teams, leading to project delays and a toxic work environment. After participating in TrainSMART’s workshop, team members learned to recognize and adapt to different DISC® styles, resulting in smoother collaborations and a 30% increase in on-time project deliveries.
  2. Enhanced Leadership Skills: A mid-sized manufacturing company found that their mid-level managers struggled with giving constructive feedback and addressing performance issues. The workshop equipped these leaders with the tools to have difficult conversations effectively, leading to improved employee performance and a 25% reduction in turnover within six months.
  3. Conflict Resolution in Remote Teams: A global consulting firm faced challenges with miscommunication and conflict in their geographically dispersed teams. TrainSMART’s workshop, adapted for virtual delivery, helped team members understand how cultural differences and communication styles impact conflict. This resulted in a 40% decrease in reported team conflicts and improved client satisfaction scores.
  4. Merger Integration Success: During a merger between two competing firms, tensions were high and cultural clashes were impeding integration efforts. TrainSMART’s workshop helped employees from both companies understand each other’s perspectives and communication styles, facilitating a smoother transition and saving an estimated $2 million in potential lost productivity.
  5. Customer Service Excellence: A retail chain was experiencing high levels of customer complaints due to staff’s inability to handle difficult customer interactions. After participating in the workshop, customer-facing employees showed marked improvement in de-escalating tense situations, resulting in a 50% reduction in customer complaints and a 15% increase in customer satisfaction scores.

These examples demonstrate how TrainSMART’s Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations Workshop can address a wide range of organizational challenges, leading to tangible improvements in communication, productivity, and overall workplace harmony.

Bring This Workshop to Your Organization

Transform your team’s ability to manage conflict and navigate difficult conversations. TrainSMART’s in-person workshop offers a powerful, hands-on learning experience that can revolutionize your organization’s approach to conflict.

Why Choose TrainSMART’s In-Person Workshop?

  1. Customized Content: We tailor the workshop to address your organization’s specific challenges and goals.
  2. Interactive Learning: Our in-person format allows for real-time role-playing, immediate feedback, and personalized coaching.
  3. Team Building: The shared experience fosters stronger connections among participants, enhancing overall team cohesion.
  4. Immediate Application: Participants can apply new skills to real workplace scenarios during the workshop, ensuring immediate value.
  5. Expert Facilitation: Our experienced trainers create a safe, engaging environment for open discussion and learning.

Take Action Now

Don’t let unresolved conflicts hinder your organization’s success. Invest in your team’s ability to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.

  • Schedule a Consultation: Contact us today to discuss how we can customize this workshop for your organization’s needs.
  • Request a Quote: Get a detailed proposal tailored to your team size and specific requirements.
  • Book Your Workshop: Secure your preferred dates now. Our calendar fills up quickly!

Contact TrainSMART today at 800-807-8030 or fill out the form below to start your journey toward a more harmonious and productive workplace.

Empower your team to turn conflict into collaboration. The success of your organization may depend on it.

    DiSC® Workshops for Every Development Need

    Whether looking to enhance communication, leadership, teamwork, or critical thinking skills, TrainSMART offers targeted DiSC® -based workshops to meet any need.

    Communicating with DiSC®

    Improve messaging, listening, and presentations by understanding communication style differences and flexing for results.

    Communicating with DiSC®

    Leadership Excellence with DiSC®

    Motivate and develop employees while creating engagement and managing performance using integrated DiSC® techniques.

    Leadership Excellence with DiSC®

    Strategic Thinking with DiSC®

    Leverage decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking best practices tailored to align with behavioral preferences.

    Strategic Thinking using DiSC®

    Growth Mindset Through DiSC®

    Optimize continuous learning, adoption of innovations, and skills building by tapping into the motivations of each style.

    Growth MIndset Using DiSC®

    Team Synergy Through DiSC®

    Build collaboration, trust, and productivity by strategically applying DiSC®  insights on team formation, dynamics and communication.

    Team Dynamics Using DiSC®

    Emotional Intelligence Using DiSC® Styles

    Leverage your Emotional Intelligence and adapt to different DiSC® styles to build stronger professional relationships and increase your influence in the workplace.

    Emotional Intellgence Using DiSC® Styles