TrainSMART’s Decision Making & Critical Thinking workshop leverages the DiSC® model to provide participants with deep insights into their approach to decision-making, from gathering data to weighing options and determining the next steps. Attendees will recognize how different styles process decisions and where biases can impede good judgment.

The critical thinking component builds essential skills in analyzing arguments, overcoming biases and traps, creatively exploring alternatives, and framing recommendations to gain buy-in. This powerful combination of self-awareness and skill development equips participants to make more effective decisions in various professional contexts.

Decision Making & Critical Thinking Using DiSC® Outline

Decision-Making Styles with DiSC®

Overview of the four DiSC® decision styles

  • Detailed exploration of how Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness manifest in decision-making contexts
  • Characteristics and preferences of each style in decision processes
  • Strengths and potential blind spots of each style

Your DiSC® decision-making approach

  • Individual DiSC assessment and interpretation for decision-making contexts
  • Self-reflection exercises on personal decision-making experiences
  • Identifying primary and secondary decision-making tendencies based on DISC profile

DiSC® influences on decision-making components

  • Information gathering: How each style typically collects and values different types of data
  • Weighing factors: The relative importance each style places on various decision criteria
  • Risk tolerance: How each style approaches uncertainty and potential negative outcomes
  • Attitude towards change: Each style’s openness to decisions that involve significant changes

Flexing your decision style

  • Importance of adaptability in diverse decision-making situations
  • Techniques for adapting to different decision-making contexts and team compositions
  • Practice sessions on style-switching in various decision scenarios

Group decision dynamics

  • How different DiSC® combinations interact in group decision-making
  • Strategies for leveraging diverse styles in team decisions
  • Addressing potential conflicts arising from style differences

Avoiding decision traps

  • Common decision-making pitfalls associated with each DiSC® style
  • Strategies for recognizing and mitigating these traps
  • Case studies of decision traps and their consequences

Scenarios practicing flexing styles

  • Interactive role-playing with diverse DiSC® decision-making compositions
  • Group exercises focusing on adapting decision approaches to different styles
  • Debriefing and feedback sessions on decision dynamics observed

Critical Thinking Skills

Components of effective thinking

  • Overview of the critical thinking process
  • Relationship between critical thinking and effective decision-making
  • Self-assessment of current critical thinking skills

Analyzing arguments

  • Techniques for breaking down complex arguments
  • Identifying assumptions, evidence, and conclusions
  • Practice exercises in argument analysis

Overcoming bias

  • Common cognitive biases in decision-making
  • Strategies for recognizing and mitigating personal and group biases
  • Exercises in bias identification and correction

Creativity tools to explore options

  • Introduction to creative problem-solving techniques
  • Brainstorming methods tailored to different DiSC® styles
  • Practice sessions in generating innovative solutions

Decision matrices to frame data

  • Introduction to decision matrix tools
  • Techniques for quantifying and comparing decision factors
  • Hands-on exercise in creating and using decision matrices

Crafting convincing recommendations

  • Structuring logical and persuasive recommendations
  • Tailoring recommendations to different DiSC® styles
  • Practice in presenting recommendations

Pitching ideas and gaining buy-in

  • Strategies for effective idea presentation
  • Techniques for addressing concerns and objections
  • Role-play exercises in pitching ideas to different DISC® styles

Common decision traps

  • Overview of psychological traps in decision-making
  • Strategies for avoiding and overcoming these traps
  • Case studies of decision traps in action

Scenarios practicing critical thinking skills

  • Complex decision-making scenarios requiring critical thinking
  • Group problem-solving exercises
  • Debriefing and discussion of applied critical thinking strategies


  • Addressing specific participant questions and concerns
  • Guidance on applying workshop learnings in diverse professional contexts

Why Organizations Hire TrainSMART for This Workshop

  • Enhanced Strategic Decision-Making: A global consulting firm struggled with inconsistent quality in their strategic recommendations to clients. After implementing TrainSMART’s Decision Making & Critical Thinking workshop, they saw a 40% increase in client satisfaction with strategic advice and a 25% improvement in successful project outcomes.
  • Improved Risk Management: A financial services company faced challenges with risk assessment in their investment decisions. Post-workshop, they reported a 50% reduction in investment losses due to improved critical analysis and a 30% increase in identifying high-potential investment opportunities.
  • Accelerated Product Development: A technology startup used TrainSMART’s workshop to enhance their product development process. This resulted in a 35% reduction in time-to-market for new products and a 45% increase in successful feature launches based on more effective decision-making in the development cycle.
  • Enhanced Leadership Effectiveness: A retail chain implemented the workshop as part of their executive development program. Within six months, they saw a 40% improvement in employee confidence in leadership decisions and a 30% increase in successful change initiative implementations.
  • Improved Cross-Functional Collaboration: A manufacturing company used the workshop to address decision-making conflicts between departments. This led to a 55% reduction in project delays due to interdepartmental disagreements and a 40% improvement in cross-functional innovation initiatives.

Bring This Workshop to Your Corporation

Transform your organization’s decision-making culture and unlock the full potential of your workforce with TrainSMART’s in-person Decision Making & Critical Thinking Workshop.

Why Choose TrainSMART’s In-Person Workshop?

Customized Content: We tailor the workshop to address your organization’s specific decision-making challenges and goals.
Immersive Learning Experience: Our in-person format allows for intensive, hands-on learning that creates lasting behavior change.
Immediate Application: Participants can apply new decision-making and critical thinking skills to real workplace scenarios during the workshop, ensuring immediate value.
Team Synergy: The shared experience fosters stronger connections among participants, enhancing overall organizational decision-making processes.
Expert Facilitation: Our experienced trainers create a dynamic, engaging environment that brings out the best in your employees’ analytical and creative potential.

Take Action Now

Don’t let poor decision-making processes and lack of critical thinking hold your organization back. Invest in your team’s ability to make sound, strategic decisions that drive your business forward.

  • Schedule a Consultation: Contact us today to discuss how we can customize this workshop for your organization’s unique needs.
  • Request a Proposal: Get a detailed quote tailored to your team size and specific requirements.
  • Book Your Workshop: Secure your preferred dates now. Our calendar fills up quickly!

Contact TrainSMART today at 800-807-8030 or fill out the contact form below to start your journey towards transformational decision-making.

Empower your workforce to make decisions with clarity, confidence, and strategic insight. Your organization’s competitive edge in today’s complex business environment may depend on it.

    DiSC® Workshops for Every Development Need

    Whether looking to enhance communication, leadership, teamwork, or critical thinking skills, TrainSMART offers targeted DiSC® -based workshops to meet any need.

    Communicating with DiSC®

    Improve messaging, listening, and presentations by understanding communication style differences and flexing for results.

    Communicating with DiSC®

    Dealing with Difficult Dialogues

    Learn constructive conflict management and have challenging conversations with less stress through a DiSC® lens.

    Conflict Management with DiSC®

    Leadership Excellence with DiSC®

    Motivate and develop employees while creating engagement and managing performance using integrated DiSC® techniques.

    Leadership Excellence with DiSC®

    Growth Mindset Through DiSC®

    Optimize continuous learning, adoption of innovations, and skills building by tapping into the motivations of each style.

    Growth MIndset Using DiSC®

    Team Synergy Through DiSC®

    Build collaboration, trust, and productivity by strategically applying DiSC®  insights on team formation, dynamics and communication.

    Team Dynamics Using DiSC®

    Emotional Intelligence Using DiSC® Styles

    Leverage your Emotional Intelligence and adapt to different DiSC® styles to build stronger professional relationships and increase your influence in the workplace.

    Emotional Intellgence Using DiSC® Styles