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How to Conduct a Training Needs Analysis in a Manufacturing Setting

President Of TrainSmart, Inc.

In today’s competitive manufacturing landscape, ensuring your workforce has the right skills and knowledge is crucial for success. However, with limited time and resources, it can be challenging to determine which training initiatives will have the most significant impact on your organization’s performance. This is where a comprehensive training needs analysis comes in.

By systematically assessing your employees’ current skills and comparing them to those required for optimal performance, you can identify gaps, prioritize training initiatives, and align your training efforts with your business goals. In this article, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of conducting a training needs analysis in a manufacturing setting, drawing on TrainSmart’s expertise and real-world scenarios.

Step 1: Define Business Goals and Objectives

The first step in conducting a training needs analysis is clearly defining your organization’s business goals and objectives. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). By understanding what your organization aims to achieve, you can ensure that your training initiatives are aligned with these objectives and contribute to overall success.


A manufacturing company, ABC Inc., wanted to increase its market share by 15% within the next two years. They identified three key objectives to achieve this goal: improving product quality, reducing production costs, and enhancing customer satisfaction. By defining these objectives upfront, ABC Inc. set the foundation for a targeted training needs analysis.

Step 2: Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Once you have defined your business goals and objectives, the next step is to identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help you measure progress towards these goals. KPIs should be directly related to your objectives and provide a clear picture of your organization’s performance in critical areas.

Examples of KPIs in a manufacturing setting may include:

  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
  • First Pass Yield (FPY)
  • Cycle Time
  • On-Time Delivery (OTD)
  • Safety Incident Rate


To measure progress toward its objectives, ABC Inc. identified the following KPIs: First Pass Yield (FPY) for product quality, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) for production costs, and On-Time Delivery (OTD) for customer satisfaction. By tracking these KPIs, the company could pinpoint areas where performance was lagging and where training interventions might be necessary.

Step 3: Conduct a Skills Inventory

A skills inventory is a comprehensive list of the skills and knowledge required for each role within your organization. By creating a detailed skills inventory, you can establish a baseline against which to compare your employees’ current skills and identify potential gaps.

To create a skills inventory:

  • List all roles within your manufacturing organization
  • Break down each role into its essential tasks and responsibilities
  • Identify the skills and knowledge required to perform each task effectively
  • Assign a proficiency level to each skill (e.g., beginner, intermediate, advanced)


TrainSmart worked with ABC Inc. to create a comprehensive skills inventory for their manufacturing roles. For each role, they identified the critical tasks and the associated skills required, such as operating specific equipment, following safety protocols, and performing quality checks. By creating this detailed inventory, ABC Inc. clearly understood the skill sets needed for optimal performance.

Step 4: Assess Current Skills

With your skills inventory in place, the next step is to assess your employees’ current skills. This assessment can be done through a variety of methods, including:

  • Surveys and questionnaires
  • Interviews with employees and managers
  • On-the-job observations
  • Performance evaluations
  • Skills tests and assessments

This assessment determines each employee’s proficiency level for the skills identified in your inventory.


TrainSmart conducted a skills assessment for ABC Inc.’s employees using a combination of surveys, interviews, and on-the-job observations. Through this assessment, they discovered that while most employees were proficient in operating equipment, there were significant gaps in quality control and problem-solving skills.

Step 5: Identify Skill Gaps

By comparing your employees’ current skills to those required for optimal performance (as identified in your skills inventory); you can identify skill gaps. These gaps represent areas where targeted training can most impact individual and organizational performance.


Based on the skills assessment, TrainSmart identified several critical skill gaps for ABC Inc., including:

  • Advanced troubleshooting techniques for maintenance technicians
  • Statistical process control (SPC) for quality assurance personnel
  • Lean manufacturing principles for production supervisors

By pinpointing these specific skill gaps, ABC Inc. could now focus its training efforts on the areas that would yield the greatest return on investment.

Step 6: Prioritize Training Needs

With your skill gaps identified, the next step is to prioritize your training needs based on their potential impact on your business goals and objectives. To prioritize effectively, consider factors such as:

  • The criticality of the skill gap to achieving your objectives
  • The number of employees affected by the skill gap
  • The feasibility and cost of addressing the skill gap through training
  • The potential return on investment (ROI) of closing the skill gap


TrainSmart helped ABC Inc. prioritize its training needs by assessing the impact of each skill gap on its key objectives. They determined that addressing the skill gaps in quality control and lean manufacturing principles would greatly improve product quality and reduce production costs, two of ABC Inc.’s primary objectives. As a result, these training initiatives were given top priority.

Step 7: Develop a Training Plan

With your training priorities established, the final step is to develop a comprehensive training plan. This plan should outline the specific training initiatives you will undertake, the target audience for each initiative, the delivery methods and timelines, and the metrics you will use to measure success.

When developing your training plan, consider:

  • Aligning training content with the identified skill gaps and business objectives
  • Selecting the most effective delivery methods for each initiative (e.g., classroom training, e-learning, on-the-job coaching)
  • Creating a timeline for implementation that minimizes disruption to operations
  • Establishing clear metrics and KPIs to measure the impact of training on performance
  • Securing buy-in and support from leadership and key stakeholders


TrainSmart developed a comprehensive training plan for ABC Inc. that included targeted initiatives for each identified skill gap. For example, we designed a lean manufacturing workshop for production supervisors, a statistical process control (SPC) course for quality assurance personnel, and an advanced troubleshooting program for maintenance technicians. Each initiative was carefully selected based on its alignment with ABC Inc.’s objectives and potential to drive measurable performance improvements.


Conducting a training needs analysis is a critical step in ensuring that your manufacturing organization has the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve its goals and objectives. Following this article’s step-by-step process, you can identify skill gaps, prioritize training initiatives, and develop a targeted plan that drives real business results.

At TrainSmart, we have extensive experience conducting training needs analyses and developing customized training solutions for manufacturing organizations. Our team of expert consultants and instructional designers can help you every step of the way, from defining your objectives to measuring the impact of your training initiatives.

By partnering with TrainSmart, you can:

  • Gain a clear understanding of your organization’s skill gaps and training needs
  • Prioritize training initiatives based on their impact on your business goals
  • Develop targeted, effective training programs that drive measurable results
  • Maximize the return on your training investment
  • Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement

Don’t let skill gaps hold your manufacturing organization back. Contact TrainSmart today to learn how we can help you conduct a comprehensive training needs analysis and develop a training plan that sets your organization up for long-term success.