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Scaling Training Excellence in Manufacturing: The Power of Train-the-Trainer Programs

VP Of Inbound Marketing at TrainSmart, Inc.

In today’s fast-paced manufacturing environment, effective training is more critical than ever for ensuring that employees have the skills and knowledge needed to perform their roles safely, efficiently, and to a high standard of quality.

However, as manufacturing organizations grow and evolve, scaling and sustaining training efforts can become a significant challenge. A Train-the-Trainer program will solve this challenge. Learning and Development organizations are seeking a program that is sustainable, scalable, repeatable, engaging, and “sticky”. This means equipping your internal subject matter experts with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively train and coach others. In this article, we will explore the key elements of successful TTT  programs in manufacturing, drawing on TrainSmart’s expertise and real-world scenarios. (Note: Client-specific names have been withheld based on confidentiality  agreements.) 

Successful Manufacturing TTT Program Examples

Selecting the Right Candidates for TTT Programs

The success of any TTT program depends largely on the quality of the trainers themselves. When selecting candidates for  TTT programs, it is essential to look for individuals who have not only strong technical expertise but also excellent communication skills and leadership potential. These individuals will be responsible for not only delivering training content but also engaging and motivating learners, so they must have the right mix of technical and interpersonal skills.


ABC Manufacturing, a leading producer of automotive parts, was experiencing rapid growth and needed to quickly scale up its training efforts to onboard new hires and upskill existing employees. The company partnered with TrainSmart to develop a TTT program focused on identifying and developing internal trainers.  TrainSmart worked with ABC Manufacturing to define key selection criteria for TTT  candidates, including a minimum of 5 years of experience in their technical area, strong communication and presentation skills, and a track record of mentoring and coaching others. Through a rigorous selection process that included technical assessments,  behavioral interviews, and presentation auditions, ABC Manufacturing was able to identify a cohort of 12 high-potential employees to participate in the TTT program.

Designing Effective TTT Curricula

Once the right candidates have been selected, the next step is to design a TTT curriculum that not only covers essential technical content but also develops participants’ skills in instructional design, facilitation, and coaching. A  well-designed TTT curriculum should include a mix of theoretical and practical components, with ample opportunities for participants to apply their learning through simulations, role-plays, and real-world projects.


XYZ Corporation, a global manufacturer of industrial equipment, recognized the need to standardize its training approach across multiple sites and regions. The company engaged TrainSmart to design a comprehensive TTT curriculum that would equip internal trainers with the skills and knowledge needed to deliver consistent, high-quality training. The curriculum included modules on adult learning principles,  instructional design, facilitation techniques, and coaching skills. Participants also had the opportunity to design and deliver a training session on a technical topic of their choice, receiving feedback and coaching from TrainSmart’s expert facilitators. As a result of the program, XYZ Corporation was able to build a global network of skilled internal trainers who were able to deliver consistent, effective training across the organization.

Ensuring Long-Term Success of TTT Programs:

Designing and delivering a TTT  program is just the first step in building a sustainable, scalable training infrastructure. To ensure the long-term success of TTT efforts, manufacturing organizations need to provide ongoing support and development opportunities for their internal trainers, foster a culture of continuous learning, and measure the impact of TTT programs on key business metrics.


DEF Company, a leading food processing manufacturer, had successfully implemented a TTT program to develop internal trainers for its food safety and quality control processes. However, the company recognized that to sustain the impact of the program over time, it needed to provide ongoing support and development for its trainers. TrainSmart worked with DEF Company to develop a train-the-trainer coaching and mentoring program, where experienced trainers provided guidance and support to newer trainers. The company also established a training community of practice, where trainers could share best practices, discuss challenges, and collaborate on training projects. To measure the impact of the TTT program, DEF Company tracked key metrics such as food safety incident rates, quality control measures, and employee retention. Over time, the company was able to demonstrate a significant return on investment from its TTT efforts, with improved food safety and quality outcomes and reduced turnover among trained employees.

Real-World Examples and Case Studies:

Throughout this article, we have shared real-world examples and case studies of manufacturing organizations that have successfully implemented TTT programs. These examples demonstrate the diverse ways in which  TTT can be applied in manufacturing, from onboarding new hires to upskilling existing employees to standardizing training across global sites.


GHI Inc., a manufacturer of medical devices, needed to rapidly train a large number of new hires to support the launch of a new product line. The company partnered with TrainSmart to develop a TTT program focused on onboarding and initial skills training. The program included a mix of classroom training, hands-on simulations,  and on-the-job coaching, with internal trainers playing a key role in delivering and reinforcing the training. As a result of the program, GHI Inc. was able to bring its new hires up to speed quickly and efficiently, meeting its production targets for the new product line which increased employee retention. When one knows and can do their job with confidence their morale and pride increase!


JKL Corporation, a multinational manufacturer of consumer goods, was facing inconsistencies in the quality and effectiveness of its training programs across different regions and sites. The company engaged TrainSmart to develop a global TTT program that would standardize its approach to training and development. The program included a core curriculum of training modules, as well as customized content tailored to the specific needs of each region. TrainSmart also worked with JKL Corporation to establish a global governance structure for its training function, with regional training leads and a central training council responsible for setting standards, sharing best practices, and monitoring the impact of training efforts. Through this global TTT approach, JKL  Corporation was able to drive greater consistency and effectiveness in its training programs, while still allowing for local flexibility and customization.


Train-the-Trainer programs are a powerful tool for scaling and sustaining effective training in manufacturing organizations. By selecting the right candidates,  designing comprehensive curricula, and providing ongoing support and development for trainers, manufacturing organizations can build a robust, sustainable training infrastructure that drives business results and in many cases improves performance and retention. The real-world examples and case studies shared in this article demonstrate the impact that well-designed TTT programs can have on key outcomes such as productivity, quality, safety, and employee retention.

At TrainSmart, we have deep expertise in designing and implementing TTT programs for manufacturing organizations of all sizes and types. We know that one size does not fit all and that a design for a manufacturing organization is much different than for a consulting or financial business. Our approach is grounded in a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities facing the manufacturing industry, as well as a commitment to delivering measurable results. If you are looking to build a sustainable,  scalable training infrastructure in your manufacturing organization, we invite you to partner with TrainSmart. Our team of expert facilitators and consultants will work with you to design a customized TTT solution that meets your specific needs and drives business impact. Contact us today to learn more.