Need A Game-Based Learning Solution?
Games appeal to some of our most fundamental drives — and that makes them perfect tools for learning.
Our theory… if people are willing to memorize the entire 320-page Player’s Handbook for Dungeons and Dragons, they’ll learn the rules and routines of your organization if you give them a game that they can beat by applying them.
What is Gamification?
In gamification, we take all of the relevant elements of a complex workplace scenario or procedure, and we build an engaging, interactive, and immersive learning game. As the learners play the game, they consume the ‘rules’ by reading the instructions and then a second time through trial and error as they learn to defeat the game.
Once they’re able to beat the game without difficulty, they’ll have internalized the game’s principles and be able to apply them in a workplace situation.
Game-Based Learning is the perfect tool for:
Complex Processes & Procedures
When you’re teaching a particularly complex process or procedure and they need to know exactly what they’re doing before they attempt it on the floor.
Situational Scenarios
When you’re teaching highly situational scenarios that require the worker to think very differently about an event depending on certain factors.
Younger, Game-Oriented Audiences
When you’re teaching a particularly complex process or procedure and they need to know exactly what they’re doing before they attempt it on the floor.
What Kinds of Games Work With Game-Based Learning
- Quizzes
- Board Games
- Mazes
- Business Simulations
- Decision-Making Games
- Safety Simulations
- Role-Playing Scenarios
- Fantasy Investment Games
- The list is truly endless…
Game-Based Learning makes the important things stick.
It is perfect for taking small but critical areas of your training and increasing the amount of time and energy that an employee is willing to put into learning it.
TrainSmart will work with you to make sure the training is relevant, compelling, engaging, sustainable, and award-winning.
Call us at 800-807-8030 or fill out the form below to schedule a time to discuss your vision to see the best way that TrainSmart can support your next project!