Influencing: Inspire Yourself and Others
Influence is defined as a leader’s ability to motivate others to change their behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes toward achieving unified goals.
Whether we are leading, following, or collaborating while bidding for resources or working on projects we often find ourselves needing something from someone we don’t manage.
Influencing others and bargaining for what is needed are essential components of the professional woman’s tool bag. Influence tactics are one of the most common ways to measure a leader’s effectiveness.
Since the research done on the topic of Gender Differences in Influence suggests that the differences are due more to influence tactics used versus gender, we will discuss and practice various Influence tactics and strategies to increase your effectiveness as a leader.
The Problem
Many women leaders struggle with building greater buy-in for their ideas whether it is to:
- Rally support in difficult situations
- Gain recognition
- Break down barriers toward upward communication
Our Solution
- Avoid the common mistakes woman make while influencing
- Learn about five unique influencing styles and differentiate between “push and pull” and “soft and hard” influence tactics
Developing Influence Skills Course Outline
Define Influence
Explore the research about gender, nationality, and age choices made when it comes to using various influence tactics
This section will delve into current research on how demographic factors affect the choice and effectiveness of influence tactics. Participants will gain insights into:
- Gender differences in perceived influence
- Cultural variations in influence strategies
- How age impacts the credibility and methods of influence
Identify the common mistakes women make while influencing
Here, we’ll discuss typical pitfalls that women may encounter when trying to exert influence in professional settings, such as:
- Undervaluing their contributions
- Apologizing unnecessarily
- Failing to negotiate effectively
- Not building strong networks
List the five unique influencing styles
This part will introduce and define five distinct influencing styles, which might include:
- Assertive: Direct and confident approach
- Collaborative: Building consensus and teamwork
- Inspiring: Motivating others through vision and enthusiasm
- Bridging: Connecting different viewpoints or groups
- Logical: Using data and reason to persuade
Analyze Your Personal Influence Style Assessment
Examine what your chosen influence style looks like to others
Participants will reflect on their personal influence style and consider how it’s perceived by colleagues, superiors, and subordinates. This may involve:
- Self-assessment exercises
- Peer feedback activities
- Discussion of strengths and potential blind spots of each style
Determine best opportunities to use your style to address a variety of situations
This section will help participants identify when their natural influence style is most effective and when they might need to adapt. It will cover:
- Matching influence style to the audience
- Adapting style to different organizational cultures
- Identifying situations where each style is most impactful
Develop New Influence Habits
Summarize the value of each style and the most appropriate situation to use or not use each style
Here, participants will gain a deeper understanding of all five influence styles, including:
- The unique benefits of each style
- Potential drawbacks or limitations
- Scenarios where each style is most effective
- Situations where each style might be counterproductive
Apply influence tactics to real-world cases
This practical section will involve:
- Case studies of workplace influence challenges
- Role-playing exercises to practice different influence tactics
- Group discussions to share experiences and insights
Practice Influence Skills
Overcome the five barriers to develop bolder confidence
This part will address common obstacles to confident influence, such as:
- Imposter syndrome
- Fear of failure
- Lack of self-promotion
- Perfectionism
- Limited network
Strategies to overcome each barrier will be discussed and practiced.
Create your 30 second “promotion pitch”
Participants will learn to craft a concise, compelling summary of their value and achievements. This section will cover:
- Identifying key accomplishments and skills
- Tailoring the pitch to different audiences
- Delivering the pitch confidently and naturally
Practice four steps to become more persuasive
The course will conclude with a framework for enhancing persuasion skills, which might include:
- Building credibility
- Finding common ground
- Providing evidence and logical arguments
- Creating an emotional connection
Participants will have the opportunity to practice these steps through interactive exercises and receive feedback from peers and the instructor.
Target Audience
Women who are “Professional Leaders,” whether you are a consultant, entrepreneur, corporate, or independent professional looking for additional guidance or if you want to be the leader of your own life no matter who you are or what you do then this program will give you the strategies and confidence you need to “influence with boldness”
Delivery Options
Influencing: Inspiring Yourself and Others is available in the following delivery formats: Half-Day Training Workshop, Full Day Training Workshop
Need Training?
Interested in running a custom tailored training course at your location? Contact us at or call us at 800-807-8030.
Women In Leadership Workshops
Influencing: Inspire Yourself and Others
Adaptability, Confidence, Influence
Empower women leaders to rally support, gain recognition, and communicate ideas persuasively by mastering influence strategies and overcoming barriers through our interactive workshop teaching how to align influencing style with situation and audience.
Embrace the Life You Want: Develop the Leader Within
Clarity, Empowerment, Resilience
Discover your inner compass and design a personal leadership vision to optimize “moments of choice” through self-reflection, values clarification, and vision writing in our empowering workshop teaching women to set realistic expectations and lead authentically.
Smart Moves For Speaking Out
Awareness, Tactics, Empowerment
Bridge the gender communication gap and boost leadership perception by decoding biased reactions, assessing personal style, and mastering influential language through our interactive women’s leadership communication workshop.
Make Bold Choices As Women Leaders
Awareness, Empowerment, Influence
Shift from acting “more like men” to addressing root causes by assessing personal implicit gender biases, recognizing systemic barriers, and boldly communicating with confidence through our interactive workshop arming women leaders with strategies to overcome unconscious bias behaviors impeding careers.